Law & Order LEMC - Is a social riding club open to members and associate members who enjoy the comradery of being in a riding club. Below is a picture of the patches that go on your jacket, the club prefers leather vest like shown here but ultimately, we leave that up to the desecration of the member. Unlike other clubs there are no mandatory rides, or a pledge mandates. The only thing that changes on you jacket would be your state rocker, as you see this one happens to be New Jersey. Club rides will be announced via email, from not only our club but other law enforcement LEMC'S also. All LEMC members are allowed to sponsor their own rides as well. The rules of the club are very simple. Be good to others, don't embarrass the club its members or yourself, settle disputes without physical confrontation, ride safely, announce rides so others can participate, Obey the road Captain on rides, Stop and help fellow law enforcement in need and anyone else while out riding. Above all these things ride with your club and have fun doing it.